The absolute largest single collection of movies and or
TV shows containing Playboy Playmates known to exist.
Ever wondered if the movie or TV show you're after has been found
yet? Simply put in a search for the Playmate that's in your quest, in the
search box located in the top left corner, and most likely you'll find it!
If not.........give 'ol BBN a holler and we'll see if I've got it somewhere!!!
Before the days of the Playboy Channel, the precursor to today's PBTV,
the only way to see a centerfold from Playboy magazine in motion, would
be to either see them in person, unfold that centerfold from the center of the
magazine then begin wiggling it yourself, or to see that playmate in a movie
she might have appeared in. Since the chances for most regular Joes, (or Bobs)
like myself, to see one in person was pretty slim, we normally chose the later.
(although shaking an unfolded centerfold picture does have it's good points!)
Some of these playmates/ actresses have gone on to be some of the world's
most famous. In fact, playmate number 1, Marilyn Monroe could arguably be
considered the greatest if not most infamous of them all. That being said, welcome
to this blog that will be dedicated to as many of those movies that both yours and
my own quest for them can find. From movies with a rating of G, to those with an
X beside them, we'll try to hunt them all down. So be warned. There will be many
cases of fully clothed playmates fit for the Disney Channel mixed right along side
those too risque for the Playboy Channel itself !
Over 2111 full movies or television
episodes with at least one Playmate
in them! Some of these, will be your
only chance to have ever seen that
particular Playmate on film .....EVER!
And just were in the Playmate Posse that found them all!
Weren't you? No? Huh? You're not in
BBN's Playmate Posse yet? Well pard..
you best get on over there and join up,
so you too...can be a part of the single
largest collection of Playmate movies
and TV episodes there's ever been!
See ya there!
Tired of looking at just clips of your favorite naked actresses?Then saddle on up and mosey on over to my Notable Film Nudity
blog, where you get a helluva lot more than a 20 second soundbite
of your favorite nude actresses from virtually all eras!
(click it real good)
NEW BLOG ALERT!Ever watched one of Playboy's Fantasies? How about a full episode as they were originally shown? If you haven't and you do, you might justwant to click on the scrolling "Fantasies" pic below Rare, rare, rare stuff indeed.....CLICK->
<- ME! I said......
With Playmates, Barbara Edwards, Teri Weigel, Rebecca Ferratti, LynnAustin, Sharry Konopski, KatherineHushaw, Rebekka Armstrong, and many more
Playmate Video Links Blog now open!-->click me!<--
Don't be a pussy, join BBN's playmate posse !
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