mmmmmmm.......1983.....a VERY good year. Smooth yet firm.......with the ambiance
of a brick shit house thrown in to boot! From the wildness of January's Lonny Chin,
to the pure innocence of December's Terry Nihen, this group of Playmates touches
beauty in every form and fashion. And each and every one of them made their way
to film in one way or the other. of 'ol BBN's favorite years......and
after you watch this......perhaps yours too.
of a brick shit house thrown in to boot! From the wildness of January's Lonny Chin,
to the pure innocence of December's Terry Nihen, this group of Playmates touches
beauty in every form and fashion. And each and every one of them made their way
to film in one way or the other. of 'ol BBN's favorite years......and
after you watch this......perhaps yours too.